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Youngstown Ohio Book Store > Youngstown Ohio books beginning with P
Youngstown OhioProsser and Keeton on Torts, 5th Edition
Published: 1984
Our price: $58.50
List price: $58.50
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As of: November 07th, 2006 05:37:29 AM

Author: William Lloyd Prosser
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Customer comments on this Youngstown Ohio Book

Youngstown Ohio This is the one that got me through Torts in law school.

This is THE classic hornbook for torts, and is an indispensable part of any law student's library. I still find myself referring to this one from time to time. When I was in law school the lucid and clear explanations of law, combined with copious footnoted citations, made this book a joy to own and read.

There are a lot of general torts texts, but after eight years of practice, this one still ranks near the top.

Youngstown Ohio Good resource ... needs an update

I used this book in law school, and continue to use it 7 years into my practice. However the pocket part is the same one I've always had -- 1988 -- I cannot find an update.

Youngstown Ohio P&K is a classic

I used P&K to supplement my casebook and class notes, and it guided me to an A- in torts. It's a great tool and a great read. However, it does have certain limitations: the final edition was published in the late 80s, so it does not provide much guidance on product liability, infliction of emotional distress and other emerging areas of tort law.

P&K gives you something that year 1 of law school sorely lacks: a context for the fragments in your case book. Its treatment of Palsgraf is particularly beautiful.

And since Prosser so strongly influenced tort law, you can be confident that you are getting good information. Some of my classmates used commercial outlines and they often worried about whether they could trust the material. No such problems with P&K; it was on the money all the time. And when there was a contradiction between P&K and my textbook, I was able to go to my professor and ask her about it. Try doing that with a commercial outline.

P&K is not merely fine reference tool; it is a genuine work of literature. I love it, and I highly recommend it.

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