Customer comments on this Youngstown Ohio Book
Oh, woe is me!
When I was wee, I never imagined that I'd become not a fart connoisseur, but a connoisseur and consumer of fart books. And this fart book is one of my faves. I also quite like "Walter the Farting Dog" and "It All Began With a Bean."
Clear the air- this little (big) lady's ripping one OFF!
I stink, therefore I am. Yes friends, I'm a husky whitey, yet to be blessed with Motherhood, the highest and holiest honor. But when I begin ripping them off- or as my friend's teen daughter calls it: going on a fart-jag- you don't want to be within 500 feet for fear of contamination (some call it the greatest nation to live in!). If you have a bit of a thing, so to speak, for your own stench then the Zen of Farting is for you.
The Zen koan is "What's the sound of one cheek flapping?"
As Doctor Evil says, "Breath-taking!" Definitely, an enlightening book, especially for those of you who try the match trick. Just remember, the cosmos started in a cloud of gas, so why not fart your way to Satori. See my list of other books on this important subject.