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Youngstown OhioYour Body Is Your Subconscious Mind
Published: 31 July, 2004
Our price: $13.57
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As of: November 07th, 2006 06:37:20 AM

Author: Candace Pert
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Customer comments on this Youngstown Ohio Book

Youngstown Ohio Easy and informative

Candace Pert gives the scientific findings behind the mind-body connections and makes her research and that of others easy to follow. Q & A follows her presentation and an interview. Well worth listening to.

Youngstown Ohio Title is Misleading

As a student of psychoanalysis there is very little in this CD that relates to the subconscious or unconscious mind and it's affects on the body. The problem is that this CD has been mistitled. Perhaps if it had been a more honest title I would not have been so disappointed.

Anyway, I wasn't expecting it to be anything psychoanalytic. What I was really expecting and hoping for was more of a spirit/mind/health theme as shown in the movie "What the Bleep".

Pert mostly discusses how to have a healthy body by living a more natural life--eating right, exercising, getting fresh air--all things we know and are VALID but NOT what was suggested in the title.

She focuses these CD's not on the fact that negative thoughts are the reason for illness but that our harmful physical environment is the cause--for example she mentions that drinks contained in plastic bottles may be a main culprit in the development of breast cancer. It's interesting information but there is little of the mind/body connection talk going on here.

There is a booklet that comes with these CDs which contains a couple mentions of Freud, an incomplete glossary of the difficult to understand science behind her work and information on Chakras which were not discussed at all in the audio CD leaving one to wonder "what do I do with this information"?

It is interesting to note that at one point when the interviewer ask Dr. Pert to discuss her spirituality she nervously mentions the word "soul" as though it were a problem and then goes on to say that it is the word that "scientists are not allowed to utter".

July 8, 2006--I would like to say that I have seen the new version of "What the Bleep--Down the Rabbit Hole". I found Pert to be much more informative regarding how our thoughts affect our bodies and I was much more satisfied with what she said in the movie than what she had to say in the audio CD's.

Youngstown Ohio nothing new to me, and some info. was not particularly true

I love the movie, "what the bleep do we know" therefore I bought these CD's thinking they would be almost as good; as she is one of the scientist on the movie. Alot of it is true, but at one point she talked about sickness in CD #1 which is not, in my opinion true.

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